Authors : Pahune S. K.
Page Nos : 294-296
Description :
The Sun
Salutation, called Surya Namaskar, exerts a great impact on human body, mind and
soul. It is a way to a healthy life. It is a sort of yogic exercise. Human being is a tri part being. Human
being has a body, mind and soul, integrated the being. Sur
ya Namaskar is a tool to keep human mind,
body and soul healthy. Physiological, psychological and spiritual systems of human being must function
well enough to support the specific activities. Nowadays, most the people are turning towards yoga to get
rid o
f mental, physical and spiritual problems. Yoga possesses the power, which offers a holistic mind,
body and soul therapy. It manages mental stress in an unbelievable way. The mental stress is one of the
root causes of the cardiac ailments. Yoga helps the a
stricken subdue the fundamental
physiological arousal level. Common people who perform yoga enjoy sound mental health, mood and
sense of self
motivation, and sense of spiritual bliss. They also enjoy good physical health. Surya
Namaskar or Sun
alutation is a simple yogic exercise, which supplies enormous health advantages.
Surya Namaskar is a sequence of yogic postures accompanied by chants that together comprise a
complete yoga called Sun Salutation. It is a series of twelve physical postures.
The alternative backward
and forward bending. Postures flex and stretch the spinal column through their maximum range giving a
deep stretch to the whole body. S. N. is conducive to the promotion of sleep and serenity of mind, the
flexibility of the corpora
l frame, the strength of abdomen muscle, and the capacity of human organs.
Surya Namaskar is a worship system of worshipping the Sun God
Surya. This is a long cherished
tradition in India since the time immemorial.